Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Items Fulfilled

          Okay, so I know it's been eons since I've actually posted something, but the fact that I've been actively fulfilling items on my list hopefully gives me a pass on the procrastination. I am going to go into  more detail later on the things I have done over the past few months, but right now I will just share the things I can check off my list.

  1. Travel to England
  2. Get something published
  3. Go puddle jumping in Bath or Oxford (it was Oxford since it wasn't raining when we went to Bath)
          The fact that I have accomplished such big things on my Knot List already blows me away. I know it is a God thing and that I am so blessed to be able to do so much. Has anyone else accomplished something huge in the last few months? E-mail me! I would love to know!